Hope Point Church
Work and Lead Like a Slave to Christ
February 2, 2025

Work and Lead Like a Slave to Christ

February 2, 2025

Work and Lead Like a Slave to Christ

By Richard Smith


*NOTICE: The emphasis of our discussion is to see how the Written Word (Bible) and the Spoken Word (Preaching) work together to build up the believer, so when you see WORD in the questions, know it refers to the Scripture and the Sermon.


Recap: Look back for evidence of God’s word reshaping your heart and life.

  1. Does anyone have a testimony to share of ways you were able to teach your children to obey in this past week?

EngageLook into the Word of God in light of Sunday’s preached sermon.

  1. Read Colossians 3:22-4:1 as a group and discuss your initial observations.


Reflect: Look deeper at the preached and written Word.


  1. Pastor Richard spent significant time laying the context of slavery from a Biblical perspective. Reflect on your observations of his explanation.


  1. How does the concept of ‘working for the Lord, not for human masters’ challenge our perspective on our daily work and career choices?


  1. How do the instructions to both servants and masters reflect the social dynamics of the early church?


  1. How does the knowledge that God is always watching impact your attitude and performance at work?


Respond: Look ahead and around to see how you can be obedient and missional.


  1. What are some specific ways you can treat those in authority over you, or those who work for you, with respect and fairness as this passage suggests?


  1. Discuss with your group, an individual in the group, or your spouse 3 ways you can display “sincerity of heart” in the workplace in the next week.



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