Hope Point Church
Three Overall Principles in Sharing the Gospel
October 27, 2024
Three Overall Principles in Sharing the Gospel
October 27, 2024
Three Overall Principles in Sharing the Gospel
By John “Phud” Chambers
NOTICE: The emphasis of our discussion is to see how the Written Word (Bible) and the Spoken Word (Preaching) work together to build up the believer, so when you see WORD in the questions, know it refers to the Scripture and the Sermon.
Recap: Look back for evidence of God’s word reshaping your heart and life.
- Does anyone have a testimony of how last week’s WORD (service/mission opportunities) was put into practice?
Engage: Look into the Word of God in light of Sunday’s preached sermon.
- Review John 5:1-15 and discuss the highlights. What surprised you or stood out?
Reflect: Look deeper at the preached and written Word.
- Phud discussed the intentionality of Jesus for this one man out of many who needed to be healed. How does Jesus’ decision free you from the paralysis of trying to minister to everyone?
- Why does Jesus ask the man, “Do you want to be healed?”
- Phud talked about the man believing that the pool was the only way to be healed. In what ways have you limited God’s power and possibilities in your life?
Respond: Look ahead and around to see how you can be obedient and missional.
- How can you follow Christ’s example to be intentional in looking for and meeting the needs of those around you?
- Discuss as a group the steps you will take to be committed to the “afterward” that Phud mentioned: the salvation and the sanctification of those you help.