Hope Point Church
A Woman, a Beast and Ten Kings
October 22, 2023
A Woman, a Beast and Ten Kings
October 22, 2023
A Woman, a Beast, and Ten Kings
Revelation 17:8-14
Take-Home Truth: The Lamb will overcome.
Christ-Connection: Christ’s return will be the final triumph over the Beast.
Recap: (Talk about last week)
- Based on last week’s discussion, how did you see the evil in the culture around you differently?
Engage: (Observe the passage and engage with the text)
- 2. Read Revelation 17:8-14 and identify who the woman, the beast and the ten kings represent. How do their descriptions shed light on the current state of the church?
- Reread 17:8 and 14. Discuss the differences between those who belong to the world (17:8) and the called, chosen, and faithful (17:14)
Reflect: (Reflect upon the key take-aways from the sermon)
- 4. Richard showed us a pattern in vs 8. What was the pattern? How does this pattern help you interpret the world around you? How do you see it revealed in your own life?
Respond: (Apply the truths of God’s Word to your heart, affections, and actions)
- 5. In verses 12-14 we read a description of chaos and seemingly unchecked evil. How do we see God as sovereign in this passage? How does this give you hope for the various sufferings in the world and in your life?