Hope Point Church
The Woman and the Dragon
September 11, 2022
The Woman and the Dragon
September 11, 2022
“The Woman and the Dragon”
Revelation 12:1-6
Take-Home Truth: Satan’s attack is great against us, but God’s care will sustain us.
Christ-Connection: In the face of Satan’s rage, Christ is our greatest provision to
persevere in the wilderness.
Hook: (Ice-breaker question. Get the group talking!)
- Describe a time in your life when you were in a wilderness area, away from people and civilization.
Engage: (Observe the passage and engage with the text)
- As a group read Revelation 12:1-6 aloud. Make observations. Discuss and unpack
these verses together in light of global and personal suffering.
- Identify the following key players in the text:
- The woman’s son (v. 5) –
- The dragon (v. 4) –
- The woman (vv. 1, 2, 5) –
Reflect: (Reflect upon the key take-aways from the sermon)
- Richard shared 4 reasons why there is so much suffering in the world. The fourth (the rage of Satan) was focused upon. As a group, talk about how Satan’s rage is experienced in the world today and how you have experienced his rage personally.
Respond: (Apply the truths of God’s Word to your heart, affections, and actions)
- Describe your current experience in the “wilderness”. Share your feelings and the lessons you are learning.
Share with the group 1 to 3 ways God is nourishing (providing for) you in your wilderness experience.