Hope Point Church
Prayer Smells Good to God
July 10, 2022

Prayer Smells Good to God

July 10, 2022

Prayer Smells Good to God

Revelation 8:1-5


Take-Home Truth: God has ordained prayer from saints who are silenced by the wonder of God to occur before He will move. 

Christ-Connection: The Church should pray fervently for the return of Christ.

Hook: (Ice-breaker question. Get the group talking!)

  1. Give examples of times when you were left speechless by events in your life. How did you see God at work in those moments? What emotions did you feel?

Engage: (Observe the passage and engage with the text)

  1. What caused all of the angels in heaven to be speechless in Verse 1? What brought on the silence?

  1. Were you surprised by Richard’s point that it was the prayers of God’s people that caused Him to move in judgment against the Earth? Why or why not?


 Reflect: (Reflect upon the key take-aways from the sermon)


  1. What changes do we need to make in our lives to be “silenced by God” in awe and wonder of who He is?

  1. If, as Richard said, “To abandon prayer is to forfeit the privilege of working with God as He executes His plans on Earth”, what should that mean for our dedication to prayer? What are ways that we can increase that dedication?

Respond: (Apply the truths of God’s Word to your heart, affections, and actions)


  1. What prevents you from praying for the return of Christ? Are you willing to trust God’s sovereignty to know when He should move in judgment on the Earth?

  1. What do you have in your life that is silencing God in your life instead of being silenced in awe and wonder of Him?

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