Hope Point Church
Marks of a Redeemed Life
November 13, 2022
Marks of a Redeemed Life
November 13, 2022
“Marks of a Redeemed Life”
Revelation 14:1-5
Take-Home Truth: If you are not following Jesus, you are not a follower of Jesus.
Christ-Connection: Belief does not mean a relationship, following does.
Hook: (Ice-breaker question. Get the group talking!)
1. Tell the group what traits you share as a family (hair, sports teams, music, etc.).
Engage: (Observe the passage and engage with the text)
2. As a group read Revelation 14:1-5 aloud. Make observations. Discuss and unpack these verses together in light of the marks of a redeemed life.
3. The Marks of a Redeemed Life Richard shared are:
- God-applauding
- Christ-following
- Purity-seeking
- Truth-speaking
Bonus Question to get you into heaven sooner: last week there were 5…which one is missing?
Reflect: (Reflect upon the key take-aways from the sermon)
4. What marks you as a believer? What doesn’t mark you as a believer? What marks you as a follower? What doesn’t mark you as a follower?
Respond: (Apply the truths of God’s Word to your heart, affections, and actions)
5. Where are you currently struggling with following Jesus? Share with the group if you feel comfortable. You may want to break out into smaller groups to discuss this.