Hope Point Church
He Shall Reign Forever and Ever
August 28, 2022

He Shall Reign Forever and Ever

August 28, 2022

He Shall Reign Forever and Ever

Rev. 11:13-19


Take-Home Truth: God’s kingdom is the only kingdom that will last.

Christ-Connection: Jesus will judge his enemies and reward his servants.

Hook: (Ice-breaker question. Get the group talking!)

  1. Tell about a time you were motivated by the promise of a reward. 

Engage: (Observe the passage and engage with the text) 

  1. Read Revelation 11:13-19. How do you see John contrast the kingdom of the world and the kingdom of God?


 Reflect: (Reflect upon the key take-aways from the sermon)

  1. Read Rev. 11:17 then read Rev. 1:4, 8, and 4:8. What is the difference drawn here? How does that help us to understand this passage?

  1. The promise of justice in verses 17-18 was used as a song of worship by early Christians. What is the difference in our demand for justice in times of want and in times of plenty?


Respond: (Apply the truths of God’s Word to your heart, affections, and actions)

  1. Richard said a servant expects God’s reward and gave 2 reasons we doubt.

Reason 1: We do not believe God is good.

Reason 2: We are already rewarding ourselves on earth.

Which of these two reasons more accurately describes your temptation to doubt?

  1. A servant of Christ is an earthly representative of the kingdom of Heaven. How are you reflecting Christ in your circles of influence?

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