A Throne, a Scroll, and a Lamb
March 27, 2022
“A Throne, a Scroll, and A Lamb”
Revelation 5:1-10
Take-Home Truth: God is holy and we are sinful. Christ’s sacrifice bridges this gap and inspires us to worship.
Christ-Connection: Anyone can find peace with God (salvation) through the power of the slain Lamb!
Hook: (Ice-breaker question. Get the group talking!)
1. Describe a time when you saw a picture of something or bought something online and then experienced the real thing and it was different. Were you disappointed or delighted?
Engage: (Observe the passage and engage with the text)
2. As a group, read Revelation 5:1-10 together aloud. Make observations. Discuss and unpack these verses together.
3. The elders are inspired to worship because Christ’s sacrifice purchased for God people from every tribe, tongue, and nation. Explore why this is surprising and share how this worship should impact your life.
4. Read the following scriptures that use the word “purchase/buy” and discuss. How do these enhance your understanding of how Jesus in Revelation 5:9 secured/purchased you?
- Matthew 14:15
- Mark 16:1
- 1 Corinthians 6:20
- 2 Peter 2:1
Reflect: (Reflect upon the key take-aways from the sermon)
5. Worship includes many things (singing, serving, etc.). Share with the group ways you can worship God other than singing?
Respond: (Apply the truths of God’s Word to your heart, affections, and actions)
6. Jesus’ path to conquering sin was through suffering, death, and reigning. Every power and privilege Christ has will be given to us. Share how this inspires you to refocus your worship of God.