The Hardest Thing You WILL Do

Colossians 3:13-14


NOTICE: The emphasis of our discussion is to see how the Written Word (Bible) and the Spoken Word (Preaching) work together to build up the believer, so when you see WORD in the questions, know it refers to the Scripture and the Sermon.


Recap: Look back for evidence of God’s word reshaping your heart and life.

  1. Does anyone have a testimony of how last week’s WORD (living as a missionary in the regular patterns of your life) was put into practice?

Engage: Look into the Word of God in light of Sunday’s preached sermon.

  1. Read Colossians 3:13-14 and discuss the basis of Paul’s call for the church to forgive.


  1. Read Matthew 18:21-35 as a group and point out anything that stands out in light of Sunday’s message.

Reflect: Look deeper at the preached and written Word.

  1. Richard said, “The answer to forgive others is to be stunned by the cross of Jesus Christ.” Look deeper at your own heart and it’s willingness to embrace this statement in light of your current relationship/s that are full of tension. Discuss your reactions.


  1. In the LORD’s Prayer, Jesus taught us to pray, “Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.” In what way is this a double request and what is Jesus showing us about the practical side of forgiveness?


Respond: Look ahead and around to see how you can be obedient and missional.

  1. Richard showed us that God’s forgiveness was sacrificial, undeserved, continual and complete. Reflect on each and discuss how these assurances help you love and move toward difficult relationships.


  1. How are you being convicted/led to respond to the call to forgive as you have been forgiven? More importantly, who comes to mind?









While You’re Waiting – Tourist or Missionary?

Acts 17:16-34


NOTICE: The emphasis of our discussion is to see how the Written Word (Bible) and the Spoken Word (Preaching) work together to build up the believer, so when you see WORD in the questions, know it refers to the Scripture and the Sermon.


Recap: Look back for evidence of God’s word reshaping your heart and life.

  1. Does anyone have a testimony of how last week’s WORD (putting on humility, gentleness, and patience) was put into practice?

Engage: Look into the Word of God in light of Sunday’s preached sermon.

  1. Read Acts 17:16-21 and point out anything significant about Paul’s mindset and activity upon arriving in Athens.


  1. After reading Acts 17:22-34 as a group, highlight and discuss the various ways that Paul tries to connect with his audience in Athens.

Reflect: Look deeper at the preached and written Word.

  1. Phud contrasted the tourist mindset with that of a missionary. Whether or not you’ve consciously embodied either of those mindsets before, how does Paul’s behavior challenge you to rethink the way you work and play?

  2. Paul went to the religious and the pagan around him. How does your life prioritize engaging both groups around you?


Respond: Look ahead and around to see how you can be obedient and missional.

  1. Gospel clarity is crucial for every believer in Christ because it is not only the basis of our salvation, but also the message we use to invite others to salvation. Work as a group to articulate a simple, but clear Gospel message that can be shared with others (Hint: use Ephesians 2:1-10 if you need help).


  1. How does the WORD change the way you interact with the world around you this week?









Clothed in Humility, Gentleness, and Patience

Colossians 3:12

NOTICE: The emphasis of our discussion is to see how the Written Word (Bible) and the Spoken Word (Preaching) work together to build up the believer, so when you see WORD in the questions, know it refers to the Scripture and the Sermon.



  1. Every meaningful relationship has its challenges. Share a time where you have been difficult to love but someone showed humility, gentleness, or patience towards you.

  1. Read Colossians 3:12 and create one clear and concise statement to be the Take Home Truth of Sunday’s WORD.


  1. How did Richard show the word “humble” used in Greek literature and how have you found that meaning to be accurate in your practice of humility?


  1. Richard said, “Jesus Christ is the most powerful man who has ever lived, yet he’s the most approachable man who’s ever lived. Where do you find that? Discuss any examples from Scripture or your own life where you’ve seen the gentleness of Jesus.


  1. After reading 2 Peter 3:9 as a group and reflecting on the combined years you resisted the invitation of Jesus, what can you point out about His patience?



  1. Of the three new articles Paul urged us to be clothed in this week, which is most unnatural and challenging for you? Are there any verses that come to mind as encouragement to the group seeking to be clothed in humility, gentleness and patience?


  1. How does today’s discussion change the way you interact with the world around you?









5 Ways to Strengthen the Hearts of the Members of the Church

Colossians 2:1-5

NOTICE: The emphasis of our discussion is to see how the Written Word (Bible) and the Spoken Word (Preaching) work together to build up the believer, so when you see WORD in the questions, know it refers to the Scripture and the Sermon.


  1. Does anyone have a testimony of how last week’s WORD transformed the last 7 days?


  1. Read Colossians 2:1-5 and point out anything significant that stands out in the text.

  2. Create one clear and concise statement to be the Take Home Truth of Sunday’s WORD.


  1. Phud contrasted our 21st-century emphasis on the individual with the early church’s focus on the whole body. How do your spiritual rhythms and disciplines elevate the well-being of the Church as a whole?

  2. Recap the 5 points that were drawn out from the WORD to strengthen the Church. How has you heart been strengthened by members of the church valuing these traits?


  1. Which of the five points drawn out from the WORD are most challenging for you to implement How does the WORD change the way you interact with the world around you?

  2. What is one specific way that the WORD should change your next 7 days?

Chasing What Matters

Colossians 1:25-29


NOTICE: The emphasis of our discussion is to see how the Written Word (Bible) and the Spoken Word (Preaching) work together to build up the believer, so when you see WORD in the questions, know it refers to the Scripture and the Sermon.



  1. Does anyone have a testimony of how last week’s WORD transformed the last 7 days?


  1. Read Colossians 1:25-29 and point out anything significant that stands out in the text.


  1. Create one clear and concise statement to be the Take Home Truth of Sunday’s WORD.


  1. What is the great mystery that has been revealed end entrusted to the church?


  1. Recap the 5 characteristics of the Christian leader that were pulled out of Sunday’s WORD. How present and growing are these attributes in the lives of your group?



  1. Richard observed that people are quite willing to sacrifice and “strenuously contend” for various things in life but wondered how often our agonizing was for things of eternal worth and reward.


  1. How does the WORD change the way you interact with the world around you?










Colossians 1:23b-25


NOTICE: The emphasis of our discussion is to see how the Written Word (Bible) and the Spoken Word (Preaching) work together to build up the believer, so when you see WORD in the questions, know it refers to the Scripture and the Sermon.



  1. Does anyone have a testimony of how last week’s WORD transformed the last 7 days?


  1. Read Colossians 1:23b-25 and point out anything significant that stands out in the text.


  1. Create one clear and concise statement to be the Take Home Truth of Sunday’s WORD.


  1. What is the “gospel that you heard”? Articulate this message of reconciliation to one another as encouragement and as practice for evangelism, adding other helpful verses as needed (Leaders, encourage participation from as many people in the group as you can. We want to all be equipped to share this good news!).


  1. How does the church fill up what is lacking in Christ’s affliction and in what ways is your life adding to this effort?



  1. After reading Paul’s calling to ministry as described in 1 Timothy 1:12-16, how are you feeling led to serve your king who has saved you?


  1. What areas of your life need to change this week in light of the WORD?









Reconciliation:  Accomplished and Applied

Colossians 1:21-23


NOTICE: The emphasis of our discussion is to see how the Written Word (Bible) and the Spoken Word (Preaching) work together to build up the believer, so when you see WORD in the questions, know it refers to the Scripture and the Sermon.



  1. Does anyone have a testimony of how last week’s WORD transformed the last 7 days?


  1. Read Colossians 1:21-23 and point out anything significant that stands out in the text.


  1. Create one clear and concise statement to be the Take Home Truth of Sunday’s WORD.


  1. How does the WORD’s description of the unreconciled world (see v. 21 and Romans 8:6-8) differ from the pervading voice of the culture that speaks of humanity’s inherent goodness?


  1. How does the WORD and 2 Corinthians 5:21 display the magnificent transformation that Christ can have on the human heart by reconciling us to God?



  1. One of the enemy’s favorite tactics is to persuade believers that the bad news of verse 21 is still true. How does verse 22 help you counter his voice of shame, regret, and guilt?


  1. In light of Paul’s “if” in regard to our perseverance in the faith, what strategies and Scriptures do you use to help you remain “stable and steadfast”?


  1. What areas of your life need to change this week in light of the WORD?









We Sing of Christ’s Supremacy

Colossians 1:18-20


NOTICE: The emphasis of our discussion is to see how the Written Word (Bible) and the Spoken Word (Preaching) work together to build up the believer, so when you see WORD in the questions, know it refers to the Scripture and the Sermon.



  1. Does anyone have a testimony of how last week’s WORD transformed the last 7 days?


  1. Read Colossians 1:18-20 and point out anything significant that stands out in the text.


  1. Create one clear and concise statement to be the Take Home Truth of Sunday’s WORD.


  1. According to the WORD, why is Jesus qualified to be the head of His church, and how do you see Him functioning in this role?


  1. Richard referred to 2 Timothy 3:1-5. How does this example of the world’s resistance to Christ’s headship manifest itself in today’s world?



  1. What areas of your life need to change this week in light of the WORD?

  2. In what ways (or at what times) do oppressive voices tell you that you are not good enough to serve the Lord? What strategy do you employ when those voices tell you that you are so far beneath the level of a “real Christian” that you should just give up?

He Will Hold Me Fast

Colossians 1:15-17


NOTICE: The emphasis of our discussion is to see how the Written Word (Bible) and the Spoken Word (Preaching) work together to build up the believer, so when you see WORD in the questions, know it refers to the Scripture and the Sermon.



  1. Does anyone have a testimony of how last week’s WORD transformed the last 7 days?


  1. Read Colossians 1:15-17 and point out anything significant that stands out in the text.


  1. Create one clear and concise statement to be the Take Home Truth of Sunday’s WORD.


  1. Read John 1:1-18 to supplement the preached text. What did the WORD reveal about the character of God?


  1. Cynics accuse Jesus of being an egomaniac by creating all things FOR HIM. How did the message help you understand “for Him” to be a purpose that reveals His love and concern for people?



  1. What areas of your life need to change this week in light of the WORD?


  1. As the firstborn of creation, Jesus has authority over the Father’s “estate” (the world). How does his authoritative command to make disciples in all the world affect you when cultural voices pressure you to be silent (Matthew 28:18-19)?

  2. The complexity and precision of the universe – along with the detailed plans of God’s control of history as revealed in Scripture, point to God’s control of all things.  “He holds ALL things together.” (V17).  Therefore, why do we sometimes struggle to believe that God is at work in our individual trials?









Colossians 1:12-15


Note: The emphasis of our discussion is to see how the Written Word (Bible) and the Spoken Word (Preaching) work together to build up the believer, so when you see WORD in the questions, you know it refers to the Scriptures and the Sermon.



  1. Does anyone have a testimony of how last week’s WORD transformed the last 7 days?


  1. Read Colossians 1:12-15 and point out anything significant that stands out in the text.


  1. Create one clear and concise statement to be the Take Home Truth of Sunday’s Word.


  1. Read John 14:8-11. How does Jesus show Phillip and the disciples that he is the fullness of God?



  1. In Colossians 1:18, He is referred to as preeminent (supreme, superior, and unrivaled) what does this mean for our lives? What are we qualified through Christ to inherit?


  1. Have you experienced seasons of life where you grew in knowledge about the faith but not in love for Christ? How do you make sure that your knowledge is creating an increase love for Jesus?



  1. In what ways do you long to see the supremacy of Jesus more revealed in your life? What is one practical area of your life you can commit to change this week, in light of the WORD?


  1. How Does the WORD lead you to live on mission? Be practical and specific.