The Lost Trilogy By Phud Chambers 2-9-24 *NOTICE: The emphasis of our discussion is to see how the Written Word (Bible) and the Spoken Word (Preaching) work together to build up the believer, so when you see WORD in the questions, know it refers to the Scripture and the Sermon. Recap: Look ba …
Work and Lead Like a Slave to Christ By Richard Smith 2-2-24 *NOTICE: The emphasis of our discussion is to see how the Written Word (Bible) and the Spoken Word (Preaching) work together to build up the believer, so when you see WORD in the questions, know it refers to the Scripture and the Sermon. …
The Call and Challenge of Parenting By Richard Smith 1-26-24 *NOTICE (Leaders, please read this to your group): While this week’s message dealt primarily with parenting, we know that not everyone going through these questions is currently walking through that season of life. If that’s you this week …
Parents, Train Your Children to Please the Lord By Richard Smith 1-19-25 NOTICE: The emphasis of our discussion is to see how the Written Word (Bible) and the Spoken Word (Preaching) work together to build up the believer, so when you see WORD in the questions, know it refers to the Scripture and th …
What Did We Learn from the Funeral of President Jimmy Carter? By Richard Smith 1-12-25 NOTICE: The questions are a little different this week to match the message Pastor Richard delivered after the funeral of 100-year-old President Jimmy Carter. Recap: Look back over the past week for evidenc …
Pursuing Promised Godliness By Phud Chambers 1-05-25 NOTICE: The emphasis of our discussion is to see how the Written Word (Bible) and the Spoken Word (Preaching) work together to build up the believer, so when you see WORD in the questions, know it refers to the Scripture and the Sermon. Rec …
PEACE By Richard Smith 12-22 -24 NOTICE: The emphasis of our discussion is to see how the Written Word (Bible) and the Spoken Word (Preaching) work together to build up the believer, so when you see WORD in the questions, know it refers to the Scripture and the Sermon. Recap: Does anyone have …
Good News for those Who Could Never Make the News By Richard Smith 12-15-24 NOTICE: The emphasis of our discussion is to see how the Written Word (Bible) and the Spoken Word (Preaching) work together to build up the believer, so when you see WORD in the questions, know it refers to the Scripture and …
Enduring for the Sake of Joy By Richard Smith 12-08-24 NOTICE: The emphasis of our discussion is to see how the Written Word (Bible) and the Spoken Word (Preaching) work together to build up the believer, so when you see WORD in the questions, know it refers to the Scripture and the Sermon. R …
Husbands, Your Wife is Amazing By Richard Smith 12-01-24 NOTICE: The emphasis of our discussion is to see how the Written Word (Bible) and the Spoken Word (Preaching) work together to build up the believer, so when you see WORD in the questions, know it refers to the Scripture and the Sermon. …
Won to Him Through Her By Richard Smith NOTICE: The emphasis of our discussion is to see how the Written Word (Bible) and the Spoken Word (Preaching) work together to build up the believer, so when you see WORD in the questions, know it refers to the Scripture and the Sermon. Recap: Lo …
4 Thoughts on Worshiping and Savoring God By Phud Chambers 11-17-24 NOTICE: The emphasis of our discussion is to see how the Written Word (Bible) and the Spoken Word (Preaching) work together to build up the believer, so when you see WORD in the questions, know it refers to the Scripture and the Ser …
The Power of a Husband’s Love By Richard Smith NOTICE: The emphasis of our discussion is to see how the Written Word (Bible) and the Spoken Word (Preaching) work together to build up the believer, so when you see WORD in the questions, know it refers to the Scripture and the Sermon. Recap: Lo …
Submission by Design By Richard Smith 11/3/2024 NOTICE: The emphasis of our discussion is to see how the Written Word (Bible) and the Spoken Word (Preaching) work together to build up the believer, so when you see WORD in the questions, know it refers to the Scripture and the Sermon. Recap: Look bac …
Three Overall Principles in Sharing the Gospel By John “Phud” Chambers 10-27-24 NOTICE: The emphasis of our discussion is to see how the Written Word (Bible) and the Spoken Word (Preaching) work together to build up the believer, so when you see WORD in the questions, know it refers to the Scripture …
Whatever It Takes By Richard Smith NOTICE: The emphasis of our discussion is to see how the Written Word (Bible) and the Spoken Word (Preaching) work together to build up the believer, so when you see WORD in the questions, know it refers to the Scripture and the Sermon. *Discussion questions …
The Church’s Enduring Peace By Richard Smith NOTICE: The emphasis of our discussion is to see how the Written Word (Bible) and the Spoken Word (Preaching) work together to build up the believer, so when you see WORD in the questions, know it refers to the Scripture and the Sermon. Reca …
What Did We Learn from the Storm? NOTICE: The emphasis of our discussion is to see how the Written Word (Bible) and the Spoken Word (Preaching) work together to build up the believer, so when you see WORD in the questions, know it refers to the Scripture and the Sermon. Recap: Look bac …
Terrified and Comforted by God Isaiah 6:1-7 NOTICE: The emphasis of our discussion is to see how the Written Word (Bible) and the Spoken Word (Preaching) work together to build up the believer, so when you see WORD in the questions, know it refers to the Scripture and the Sermon. Recap …
The Power of Love 1 Corinthians 13:1-7 NOTICE: The emphasis of our discussion is to see how the Written Word (Bible) and the Spoken Word (Preaching) work together to build up the believer, so when you see WORD in the questions, know it refers to the Scripture and the Sermon. Recap: Look back for e …
The Hardest Thing You WILL Do Colossians 3:13-14 NOTICE: The emphasis of our discussion is to see how the Written Word (Bible) and the Spoken Word (Preaching) work together to build up the believer, so when you see WORD in the questions, know it refers to the Scripture and the Sermon. Recap …
While You’re Waiting – Tourist or Missionary? Acts 17:16-34 NOTICE: The emphasis of our discussion is to see how the Written Word (Bible) and the Spoken Word (Preaching) work together to build up the believer, so when you see WORD in the questions, know it refers to the Scripture and the Serm …
Clothed in Humility, Gentleness, and Patience Colossians 3:12 NOTICE: The emphasis of our discussion is to see how the Written Word (Bible) and the Spoken Word (Preaching) work together to build up the believer, so when you see WORD in the questions, know it refers to the Scripture and the Sermon. …
5 Ways to Strengthen the Hearts of the Members of the Church Colossians 2:1-5 NOTICE: The emphasis of our discussion is to see how the Written Word (Bible) and the Spoken Word (Preaching) work together to build up the believer, so when you see WORD in the questions, know it refers to the Scripture a …
Chasing What Matters Colossians 1:25-29 NOTICE: The emphasis of our discussion is to see how the Written Word (Bible) and the Spoken Word (Preaching) work together to build up the believer, so when you see WORD in the questions, know it refers to the Scripture and the Sermon. Recap: Does an …
Servant Colossians 1:23b-25 NOTICE: The emphasis of our discussion is to see how the Written Word (Bible) and the Spoken Word (Preaching) work together to build up the believer, so when you see WORD in the questions, know it refers to the Scripture and the Sermon. Recap: Does anyone have a …
Reconciliation: Accomplished and Applied Colossians 1:21-23 NOTICE: The emphasis of our discussion is to see how the Written Word (Bible) and the Spoken Word (Preaching) work together to build up the believer, so when you see WORD in the questions, know it refers to the Scripture and the Ser …
We Sing of Christ’s Supremacy Colossians 1:18-20 NOTICE: The emphasis of our discussion is to see how the Written Word (Bible) and the Spoken Word (Preaching) work together to build up the believer, so when you see WORD in the questions, know it refers to the Scripture and the Sermon. Recap …
He Will Hold Me Fast Colossians 1:15-17 NOTICE: The emphasis of our discussion is to see how the Written Word (Bible) and the Spoken Word (Preaching) work together to build up the believer, so when you see WORD in the questions, know it refers to the Scripture and the Sermon. Recap: Does an …
Continue Colossians 1:12-15 Note: The emphasis of our discussion is to see how the Written Word (Bible) and the Spoken Word (Preaching) work together to build up the believer, so when you see WORD in the questions, you know it refers to the Scriptures and the Sermon. Recap: Does anyone have …
Four Elements of Pastoral Prayers for the Church Colossians 1:1-14 By John Chambers 4/21/2024 NOTE: The emphasis of our discussion is to see how the Written Word (Bible) and the Spoken Word (Preaching) work together to build up the believer, so when you see WORD in the questions, know it refers to t …
By Grace You Have Been Saved Ephesians 2:1-10 By Richard Smith 4/14/2024 NOTICE: The emphasis of our discussion is to see how the Written Word (Bible) and the Spoken Word (Preaching) work together to build up the believer, so when you see WORD in the questions, know it refers to the Scripture …
Easter Sunday Sermon Discussion Questions NOTICE: The emphasis of our discussion is to see how the Written Word (Bible) and the Spoken Word (Preaching) work together to build up the believer, so when you see WORD in the questions, know it refers to the Scripture and the Sermon. Read Revelation 22:12 …
Your Lowly King of Peace is Coming Luke 19:28-44 By Caleb Crittendon 3/24/24 Palm Sunday Take Home Truth: Jesus is longing for all to experience His Peace. Christ-Connection: The King is coming, do not miss Him. Recap: What changes did you make last week to show more compassion towards others …
“Compassion that Creates Mission” Matthew 9:35-38 Take-Home Truth: We need to see people differently, as Jesus does, in order to have compassion for them. Christ-Connection: Christ is the example of the compassion for others we should model and the mission we should have in our lives. Recap: (Talk …
Repent. The Time is Near. Revelation 22:8-15, 20 Take-Home Truth: The more you listen to Jesus the farther you move away from sin. Christ-Connection: Christ is coming soon. Repent while there is time. Recap: (Talk about last week) 1. As a result of last week’s sermon, how did you read scripture di …
“The Look of a Heaven-Bound Life” Revelation 22:7-19 Take-Home Truth: Feelings are important to God but must be associated with obedience. Christ-Connection: Those who love Jesus obey Jesus (John 14:15). Recap: (Talk about last week) 1. Share how your longing for Eden affected how you lived on earth …
“Longing for Eden” Revelation 22:1-5 Take-Home Truth: Rejoice! The new Eden awaits! Christ-Connection: God cursed Jesus on the cross so none of us would have His curse fall upon us. Recap: (Talk about last week) How has your week been impacted by knowing that you are God’s treasured possession?(MUL …
We will shine with God’s Glory Revelation 21:9-27 Take Home Truth: We are flawed people being changed by the Glory of God. Christ-Connection: Because of Christ’s sacrifice, we can become God’s treasured possession. Recap: What are some ways you applied your thirst for Christ last week?(MULTILINE) En …
New Revelation 21:6-8 Take-Home Truth: True faith thirsts for the will of God. Christ-Connection: We are washed, sanctified, and justified through the finished work of Christ. Recap: How were you able this past week to participate in the work of Christ in the world and how did He wor …
“It Is Finished. It Is Done.” Revelation 21:1-6 Take-Home Truth: God’s work is finished; our work is not. Christ-Connection: Jesus drank all of the cup of God’s wrath so we could drink of the cup of God’s goodness. Recap: (Talk about last week) 1. Discuss the ways you “wrote it down” to remind yours …
“Heaven on Earth” Revelation 21:1-5 Take-Home Truth: The hope of Heaven is the strongest defense we have against sin and despair. Christ-Connection: Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature. The old things have passed away, behold new things have come. 2 Cor 5:17 Recap: (Talk about la …
The Great White Throne of Judgement Revelation 20:11-15 Take Home Truth: All of mankind will be judged, believers are justified by their faith in Christ. Christ-Connection: All who confess Christ is Lord will be saved from the Lake of Fire. Last week’s question: Pre, Post, or A-millennial, wh …
The Millennial Reign of Christ Revelation 20:1-10 Take-Home Truth: The ultimate destiny of the Church is reward. The ultimate destiny of Satan is destruction. Christ-Connection: Jesus reigns over this world and the one to come. Recap: (Talk about last week) How did beholding Jesus empower you to fol …
“Behold the Glory of Jesus Christ” Matthew 17:1-8 Take-Home Truth: We become like what we behold. Christ-Connection: Beholding the glory of Jesus allows us to see Jesus and focus exclusively on Him. Recap: (Talk about last week) 1. Share with the group what you thought about Richard’s socks, and com …
Sermon Scripture Translations Sunday, December 31, 2023 RUSSIAN Благословенная уверенность (Blessed Assurance) Примечание пастора: Сегодняшнее послание немного необычно. Мое преподавание основано на песне «Blessed Assurance», которую исполняла группа. Песня представляет собой гимн, написанный в 1873 …
Sermon Scripture Translations Sunday, December 31, 2023 UKRAINIAN Благословенна Упевненість (Blessed Assurance) Примітка пастора: сьогоднішнє послання трохи незвичне. Моє навчання мотивується піснею, яку співав гурт, “Blessed Assurance”. Ця пісня є гімном, написаним у 1873 році жінкою на ім’я Фанні …
Sermon Scripture Translations Sunday, December 31, 2023 PORTUGUESE Garantia Abençoada (Blessed Assurance) Nota do Pastor: A mensagem de hoje é um pouco incomum. Meu ensino é motivado por uma música que a banda cantou, “Blessed Assurance”. A canção é um hino escrito em 1873 por uma mulher chamada Fan …
Sermon Scripture Translations Sunday, December 31, 2023 SPANISH Bendita Seguridad (Blessed Assurance) Nota del pastor: El mensaje de hoy es un poco inusual. Mi enseñanza está motivada por una canción que cantó la banda, “Blessed Assurance”. La canción es un himno escrito en 1873 por una mujer llamad …
“The Holy Miracle of Christmas” Luke 1:26-48 Take-Home Truth: God does beautiful things through a life previously immersed in sin; however, Mary chose the greater beauty of purity and obedience. Christ-Connection: The hope of Christmas is anchored in Jesus’ response on the cross, “Not my will, but t …
The First Song of Christmas Luke 1:5-25, 57-79 Take-Home Truth: God’s provision came according to his own plan and timing. Christ-Connection: John prepared the hearts of the people for the coming of the Messiah. Recap: (Talk about last week) Based on last week’s discussion, how have you identifi …
“The Returning King” Revelation 19 Take-Home Truth: You cannot know Jesus unless you know Him as a sacrificial lamb and a warring king. Christ-Connection: Christ is gloriously good. But, if the world rejects Him, they are spitting in the face of the world’s most powerful judge and will be condemned …
Four Hallelujah’s Revelation 19:1-9 Recap: What changes this past week did you make in the treatment of others to show you are valuing people above possessions?(MULTILINE) Take Home Truth: God will impose a final and permanent judgement on evil; He will gather all those who follow Him for a …
“When Kings and Merchants Weep” Revelation 18 Take-Home Truth: The world’s view of possessions is in sharp contrast to what God wants for us as believers. Christ-Connection: Jesus has absorbed God’s wrath for the sins of those who believe in Him. Recap: (Talk about last week) The title of last wee …
“The Purpose of Life” Revelation 18 Take-Home Truth: Glorifying God is the ultimate purpose of life. Christ-Connection: Jesus gave His life on the cross so that we could glorify God in this life and experience the full glory of God in eternity. Recap: (Talk about last week) 1. Share ways in which yo …
Who is Able? Jude 1:17-25 Take-Home Truth: God is able to keep us from falling and to help us to speak of His mercy to others. Christ-Connection: Christ, who is our strength, is calling us as His dearly beloved bride to come alongside Him out into the fields ripe for harvest. Recap: …
Come Out of Her My People Revelation 17:14-18, 18:1-4 Take-Home Truth: Come out of the world so that you will not share in her sins. Christ-Connection: Christ invites us to come to Him for deliverance from the culture and for salvation. Recap: As you have seen evil increase in our culture, h …
A Woman, a Beast, and Ten Kings Revelation 17:8-14 Take-Home Truth: The Lamb will overcome. Christ-Connection: Christ’s return will be the final triumph over the Beast. Recap: (Talk about last week) Based on last week’s discussion, how did you see the evil in the culture around you differently?(M …
Astonished and Alarmed Revelation 17:1-6 Take-Home Truth: God creates us to have a relationship with Him; we are to recognize His worth. Christ-Connection: Christ’s worth is eternally greater than all the glittery gold the Harlot has to offer. Recap: Share how you were a bold Ambass …
Ambassador Ephesians 6:19-20, 1 Corinthians 2:3-4, 2 Corinthians 2:14-16, Luke 6:22-23, Philippians 1:14, 2 Timothy 4:17 Take-Home Truth: God calls us to be bold ambassadors. Christ-Connection: Christ’s strength is sufficient for us to speak in boldness. Recap: Discuss ways that you engaged …
“Pray for Me” Ephesians 6:19-20 Take-Home Truth: Darkness is only eliminated through prayer by the Holy Spirit. Christ-Connection: Prayer is key to making Jesus known! Recap: (Talk about last week) 1. Who did you pray for last week? Share specific examples. Engage: (Observe the passage and engage wi …
“The Joy of Biblical Meditation” Psalm 119:97, 148; Ephesians 6:12-13, 16-17 Take-Home Truth: Biblical meditation increases our affection for God Christ-Connection: Everything we need is found in Jesus! Recap: (Talk about last week) 1. How did God challenge you this past week in sacrificial living? …
A Living Sacrifice Psalms 22 and Romans 12:1 By THE Richard Smith Take Home Truth: God Helps the Powerless – God gives mercy to those who need it most. Christ-Connection: Never stop thinking about Christ’s sacrifice. Hook: How has someone sacrificed for you that made an impact on your life? Engag …
“Fight for the Faith” Jude 1-4 Take-Home Truth: Truth is a call to arms against adversaries who creep into our lives like “sneaky ninjas.” Hiya! Christ-Connection: Jesus Christ has chosen us to fight for the faith. Hook: (Ice-breaker question. Get the group talking!) 1. What creeps in or slips into …
Clothed in Readiness Ephesians 6:12-15, Romans 5:1 Take-Home Truth: There’s no greater fulfillment than letting God use your voice to share the gospel of peace with others. Christ-Connection: Peace with God is only found through a relationship with Jesus Christ. Hook: (Ic …
The Beauty of Peace-Bringing Feet Eph 6: 11-15 Take Home Truth: Peace with God increases as we share the gospel. Christ-Connection: Christ provided peace with God through His death on the cross, and God offers this peace to all who call on His name. Hook: Does our culture promote …
“Get Dressed!” Ephesians 6:10-14 Take-Home Truth: God provides His armor to withstand the onslaught of evil. Christ-Connection: Christ hung on the cross so we could have that armor made available to us. Hook: (Ice-breaker question. Get the group talking!) Have you ever participated in a spo …
“Stand” Ephesians 6:10-20 Take-Home Truth: Standing is our strategy when experiencing spiritual warfare. Christ-Connection: Spiritual warfare is a reality we will experience as we follow Christ. Hook: (Ice-breaker question. Get the group talking!) 1. Share personal experiences when it was difficult …
The Joy of Fishing with Jesus Luke 5:1-11 Take-Home Truth: Jesus Christ is always looking for new disciples Christ-Connection: Jesus calls us to do works that we can’t do, but he can. Hook: (Ice-breaker question. Get the group talking!) Tell about a time you blindly followed someone. What was the …
The Saving Suffering of the Son Isaiah 53 Take-Home Truth: Jesus suffered judgment, so we do not have to. Christ-Connection: Because of Christ’s perfect life, he died a perfect death as a blameless sacrifice. Hook: (Ice-breaker question. Get the group talking!) Has anyone ever taken the blame for …
Two Daughters: Desperation, Faith, & Miracles Mark 5:21-42 Take-Home Truth: Desperation does not discriminate. It drives some to faith and some to fear. Christ-Connection: Christ recognizes our desperation and walks toward it, giving us the opportunity to respond to Him in faith. Hook: …
“Who’s Your One?” Luke 5:17-26 Take-Home Truth: Make an investment in someone like someone invested in you. Christ-Connection: Jesus is the Gospel and we are the conduit He choses to use to communicate this good news to our one. Hook: (Ice-breaker question. Get the group talking!) 1. Tell of a time …
“Serving the Purpose of God – In Our Generation” Acts 13:36 Take-Home Truth: God is at work in our world. He wants us to use our lives to serve His purpose. (Acts 13:36) Christ-Connection: Jesus has commanded us to make disciples, mark them through baptism and mold them by teaching all that he comm …
Great Commission Sunday Matthew 28:19-20/Acts 1:8 Take-Home Truth: “It is the whole job of the whole church to preach the whole gospel to the whole world.” Spurgeon Christ-Connection: Jesus’ final command was “go and make disciples”. Hook: (Ice-breaker question. Get the group talking!) Tell abou …
4 Fundamentals of Living on Mission Act 16:16-32 Take Home Truth: Believers are called to live on mission every minute for the rest of their lives in all of their encounters. Christ-Connection: Because of Christ we have been given the ministry of reconciliation – God making his appeal throu …
“Faithful Endurance” Hebrews 12:1-2 Take-Home Truth: It requires faithful endurance to make it home and experience joy. Christ-Connection: The race we run is difficult, and Jesus is the One who finished the race and perfects our faith. Hook: (Ice-breaker question. Get the group talking!) Describe a …
“We Demand a King” 1 Samuel 8 Take-Home Truth: Jesus is the only good king. He demands and deserves our allegiance and worship. Christ-Connection: Only Christ can take away the Holy wrath of God that we deserve. (Rom 5:9) Hook: (Ice-breaker question. Get the group talking!) Describe a time when you …
Christ in All of the Scriptures Luke 24:13-35 Take-Home Truth: The Bible is a single, unified, unfolding, thrilling story of God’s grace towards rebel sinners that culminates in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Christ-Connection: In scripture we see Jesus is everything we fail to …
Christ, The Faith Preserver Luke 22:31-34, 54-62 Take-Home Truth: Our faith will be tested and we might come up short, but we have an Advocate and Protector. Christ-Connection: In the daily battles we face, Christ’s intercession for us is constant and sure. Hook: (Ice-breaker question. Get the gro …
Dressed for Armageddon Revelation 16:12-16 Take-Home Truth: The Battle of Armageddon has already begun. Christ-Connection: Christ provides the means of victory for His people. Hook: (Ice-breaker question. Get the group talking!) What is your most favorite item of clothing? Why? How do you feel w …
“A Love That Warns” Revelation 15:1 – 16:11 Take-Home Truth: Every natural disaster and symbol of the world’s brokenness is a loving warning from God to repent while there is time. Christ-Connection: Anyone who believes and repents will be saved from their sin and kept in Christ until the end, b …
“Singing on the Other Side” Revelation 15:1-4 Take Home Truth: Saved people sing to the God who saved them. Christ Connection: Christ’s victory is the only reason we can sing. Hook: (Ice breaker question. Get the group talking!) What is your favorite song or hymn and why? Engage: (Observe the passag …
4 Characteristics of Someone Who Loves Jesus Luke 7: 36-50 Take Home Truth: Our love for God is demonstrated by accepting what Jesus has done for us (freedom from sin) and living our lives ignited by that love. Christ-Connection: In light of the command of God stated in Matt 22: 37-38 to love the Lo …
The Trinity’s Church Colossians 1:24-29 Take-Home Truth: The Trinity’s Church exists to make the mystery of Christ known. Christ-Connection: The mystery is revealed as “Christ in you, the hope of Glory”, which is the energy in which we toil. Hook: (Ice-breaker question. Get the group talking!) T …
“Of Course He Will” Take-Home Truth: We are confident Jesus will return because He came the first time. Christ-Connection: Jesus is the source of our hope while waiting. Hook: (Ice-breaker question. Get the group talking!) 1. Talk about something you’ve done or experienced once that yo …
The Justice of the Coming King Revelation 14:17-20 Take-Home Truth: Jesus’ message is, “I’m coming!!” Christ-Connection: He was born to save us from His own wrath. Hook: (Ice-breaker question. Get the group talking!) Describe a past experience, family visit, or event that you were anticipating and …
The Final Harvest of The Son of Man Rev 14: 14-16 Take Home Truth: While evil is prevalent in the world, God is patiently waiting for people to choose Him (righteousness) over evil. Christ-Connection: The Son of Man will reap the harvest (judge)from this earth. Hook: Describ …
Rejoice Philippians 4:4-7 Take-Home Truth: In Christ, we can rejoice through gritted teeth and trembling hands. Christ-Connection: We can take joy in Christ’s work; past present, and future. Hook: (Ice-breaker question. G …
“Enduring Until Rest and Reward” Revelation 14:6 – 13 Take-Home Truth: God wants us in heaven so He warns us about hell. Christ-Connection: Through Christ we give glory to God, avoid His wrath and receive the blessings of Heaven. Hook: (Ice-breaker question. Get the group talking!) Other than Jesus …
“Marks of a Redeemed Life” Revelation 14:1-5 Take-Home Truth: If you are not following Jesus, you are not a follower of Jesus. Christ-Connection: Belief does not mean a relationship, following does. Hook: (Ice-breaker question. Get the group talking!) 1. Tell the group what traits you …
The Song of The Redeemed Rev 14: 1-5 Take Home Truth: God’s redeemed people have a reason to sing a new song in heaven. Christ-Connection: Because He Loves us and is for us, God provided Jesus as the Sacrifice for our redemption. Jesus gives us the reason to sing! Hook: Why does God use r …
Our Great High Priest Hebrews 4:14-16 Take-Home Truth: Jesus is the Great High Priest. Christ-Connection: We need Jesus’ perfect priesthood, person, and provision. Hook: (Ice-breaker question. Get the group talking!) Te …
“The Propaganda of a Counterfeit Christ” Revelation 13:11 – 18 Take-Home Truth: Satan through the beast tries to imitate Christ. But those who have been accepted by the true King do not seek acceptance by a deceived culture. Christ-Connection: Christ alone is worthy of our worship, trust and pursui …
Learning How to Plod Rev. 13:1-10 Take-Home Truth: The ultimate call on our life is to learn to “plod and to persevere” through the challenges of this world. Christ-Connection: Revelation 13:8 promises that if the Lamb has written our names in the Book of Life, we will make it through the sufferin …
“Saved from the Dragon’s Flood” Revelation 12:13-17 Take-Home Truth: God provides grace and mercy for His children to overcome the deluge of Satan’s lies. Christ-Connection: God moved heaven and earth to defeat our enemy on the cross! Hook: (Ice-breaker question. Get the group talking!) 1. Ha …
A Case of Spiritual Blindness Luke 16:19-31 Take-Home Truth: “The great chasm is a chilling reminder that there are a million ways you can choose to spend your tiny speck of a life, but only one of two ways to spend the eons of your infinite eternity.” Caleb Crittendon. Christ-Connection: Apart fr …
A Model Church 1 Thessalonians 1:4-10 Take-Home Truth: Identity in Christ empowers believers to become model members who make up model churches. Christ-Connection: Believers become model members by the work of the Spirit …
“War in Heaven” Revelation 12:7 – 12 Take-Home Truth: Satan’s accusations have no power over the believer. Christ-Connection: Christ defeated Satan and the power of our sin. Hook: (Ice-breaker question. Get the group talking!) Is there an example from your past where you failed at something that pr …
“The Woman and the Dragon” Revelation 12:1-6 Take-Home Truth: Satan’s attack is great against us, but God’s care will sustain us. Christ-Connection: In the face of Satan’s rage, Christ is our greatest provision to persevere in the wilderness. Hook: (Ice-breaker question. Get the group talki …
The Ark of the Covenant Revelation 11:19 Take-Home Truth: Sinful man cannot approach a holy God without a blood sacrifice. Christ-Connection: We can approach Jesus, the true Ark of the Covenant, because of his sacrifice o …
He Shall Reign Forever and Ever Rev. 11:13-19 Take-Home Truth: God’s kingdom is the only kingdom that will last. Christ-Connection: Jesus will judge his enemies and reward his servants. Hook: (Ice-breaker question. Get th …
Vulnerable & Invincible Revelation 11 Hook: (Ice-breaker question. Get the group talking!) Share about a time in your life when you found calm and peace in the middle of a difficult situation. Take-Home Truth: …
“A Soft Heart and a Hard Head” Revelation 10 Hook: (Ice-breaker question. Get the group talking!) 1. Share a time when you experienced an intense thunderstorm. Describe what you heard, saw, and how you felt. Take-Home Truth: Jesus, while comforting and helpful, challenges His followers to speak hard …
The Beauty and Necessity of Repentance Revelation 9:20-21 (See question 2 for additional scriptures to discuss) Take-Home Truth: True repentance is a change of mind that leads to a change of direction because you have a cha …
“Shepherd Leadership – Tending the Flock of God” 1 Peter 5:1-5 Take-Home Truth: We should all live a life worthy of imitation Christ-Connection: Jesus Christ is the ultimate elder, the ultimate shepherd, and the ultimate overseer Hook: (Ice-breaker question. Get the group talking!) Discuss a time …
The Sixth Trumpet and the Decline of Reason Rev. 9:13-21 Take-Home Truth: God’s truths will always be victorious over the demonically inspired deceptions of this age. Christ-Connection: Jesus is the means by which believe …
“Listen to the Trumpet of Jesus” Revelation 8:6 – 9:12 Take-Home Truth: The one who does not heed the warnings of God will suffer the judgment of God. Christ-Connection: Only Jesus can save you from the judgement of God. Hook: (Ice-breaker question. Get the group talking!) 1. Warning labels a …
Prayer Smells Good to God Revelation 8:1-5 Take-Home Truth: God has ordained prayer from saints who are silenced by the wonder of God to occur before He will move. Christ-Connection: The Church should pray fervently for the return of Christ. Hook: (Ice-breaker question. Get the group talking!) Gi …
“Is it Sinful to Love America” Take-Home Truth: God has and is blessing America in spite of our flaws. Christ-Connection: The gospel of Christ is the revelation of God’s blessing on America. Hook: (Ice-breaker question. Get the group talking!) Share an experience/story/event that reveals the great …
“Encouragement for New Believers” 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 Take-Home Truth: Living out our faith through our work, labors of love, and our prayers can open up avenues to share the gospel to a hurting world. Christ-Connection: The truth of Jesus Christ and our position “In Him” enables us to lov …
The Breakfast that Changed Everything John 21:1-19 Take-Home Truth: The God of all creation deeply cares to restore you back to Him. Christ-Connection: Christ mercifully calls his people back to fellowship and rest for t …
Do You Belong to the True Israel? Revelation 7:1-8 Take-Home Truth: Revelation teaches the purified Church (the True Israel) to never stop sharing the Gospel and to continue through the tribulations of this world until Christ returns. Christ-Connection: Christ is the True Vine, the fulfillment of …
Seeds, Soils, and Souls Matthew 13:1-23 Take-Home Truth: Our hearts have a tendency to be hard, shallow, and divided, but humble hearts receive God’s word and bear much fruit. Christ-Connection: Christ reveals the truth to those who are willing to listen. Hook: (Ice-breaker question. Get the grou …
The Sealing of the Servants of God Revelation Chapter 7 Take-Home Truth: We have been sealed for battle and God will bring us home. Christ-Connection: “These are they who have come out of the great tribulation; they have washed their robes in the blood of the Lamb.” Hook: (Ice-breaker questio …
My Life-Shaping Influences Take-Home Truth: God uses people and events to shape our lives. Christ-Connection: Jesus is the perfect example of how to live consistently despite the challenges and confusion in this world. What have been the primary influences/ events that have shaped your li …
The Wrath of the Lamb Revelation 6:12-17 Take-Home Truth: The Lamb forgives and the Lamb Judges. Christ-Connection: The only way to be saved from the wrath of the Lamb is to place your trust in the blood of the Lamb. Hook: (Ice-breaker question. Get the group talking!) Describe a time when you t …
Dying To Speak For Christ Rev 6: 9-11 Take-Home Truth: God’s justice will prevail even if the world’s events appear random and hopeless. Christ-Connection: Christ is planning His return and our future deliverance from suffering and pain. Hook: (Ice-breaker question. Get the group talking!) Opti …
The Lamb Opens the Seals Revelation 6:1-8 Take-Home Truth: Jesus unleashes the wrath of God on the world. Christ-Connection: The judgment of Christ is sent as a means of grace to point sinners to repentance. Hook: (Ice-breaker question. Get the group talking!) Have you ever experienced a close c …
“Eternal Magnet” John 12:32-33 Take-Home Truth: Jesus’ death raises His influence and brings hope to the world! Christ-Connection: Jesus is the only One who has the ability and authority to change lives for eternity. Hook: (Ice-breaker question. Get the group talking!) 1. Describe some things …
The Cure for Spiritual Amnesia Deuteronomy 4:1 – 9 Take-Home Truth: The Holy Spirit helps us remember as we actively dig into His Word to remember God’s statutes, His deeds and His global purpose. Christ-Connection: Christ’s light shines through us as we keep the pattern of His sound teaching …
To Marvel At An Awesome God Revelation 5:1-14 Take-Home Truth: Our sin requires the sacrifice of a perfect human to bring salvation to the world which inspires us to worship. Christ-Connection: Christ is the perfect human sacrificial lamb. Hook: (Ice-breaker question. Get the group talking!) Sha …
“A Throne, a Scroll, and A Lamb” Revelation 5:1-10 Take-Home Truth: God is holy and we are sinful. Christ’s sacrifice bridges this gap and inspires us to worship. Christ-Connection: Anyone can find peace with God (salvation) through the power of the slain Lamb! Hook: (Ice-breaker question. Ge …
The King on His Throne Revelation 4: 1-11 Take-Home Truth: The King sits on the throne where he rules the universe. Christ-Connection: Jesus invites us to see the end of the story he has written. Hook: (Ice-breaker question. Get the group talking!) Have you ever met someone of importance? How did …
The Church that Sickened God Revelation 3:14-20 Take-Home Truth: We need to humble ourselves, repent from our pride, and remember that Jesus is the source of all blessings in our life, so that we can be a comfort and refreshment to a hurting world around us. Christ-Connection: Come to the table– …
Living as an Ambassador Directed and Defined by the King 2 Corinthians 5:17-21 Take-Home Truth: If we are a child of God, we are qualified to be an Ambassador for Christ. Christ-Connection: We are reconciled to God through Christ. Because of this we are not defined by our past; we are defined …
“The One Who Opens Doors” Revelation 3:7-13 Take-Home Truth: You are mine, and I’m coming back for you! Christ-Connection: Jesus will keep us from denying His name when we suffer. Hook: (Ice-breaker question. Get the group talking!) 1. Share a time when you had a door open that you saw as an …
The Church that Forgot to Remember Revelation 3:1-6 Take-Home Truth: Authentic Christianty will challenge the culture with the truth of Christ. Christ-Connection: Christ gives the strength to act with urgency in spite of opposition. Hook: (Ice-breaker question. Get the group talking!) Tell abou …
Waiting for the Morning Star Revelation 2:18-29 Take-Home Truth: The church must cling to the truth of Scripture and the hope of Christ in the midst of distractions and false teachers. Christ-Connection: Jesus, who has done all the heavy lifting for us, is the hope for believers. Hook: (Ice-break …
Hidden Manna, a White Stone, and a New Name Revelation 2:12-17 Take-Home Truth: Perseverance without compromise leads to eternal rewards greater than anything we can comprehend in this world. Christ-Connection: Jesus persevered by being faithful through suffering and death so that we could perseve …
“Thankful for the Eleventh Hour” Revelation 2:8-11 Take-Home Truth: The Bible teaches that suffering is controlled by God who will one day reward us with infinite joy. Christ-Connection: Satan tests us, but God determines to keep us. Hook: (Ice-breaker question. Get the group talking!) De …
To Love Like We Did at First Revelation 2:1-7 Take-Home Truth: The journey is hard but the reward is everlasting joy. Christ-Connection: Christ’s love is too great to leave us where we are. Hook: (Ice-breaker question. Get the group talking!) What was your first love? Describe the emotion, the pas …
Working Through Doubt When Obedience Brings Pain Exodus 5:1-6:12 Take-Home Truth: God’s deliverance is coming, but it normally takes longer to arrive than we think. Christ-Connection: When our obedience results in trial and loss, we must never forget that Christ will never forget us. For ever …
The Logo Sermon 1 Corinthians 10:31 Take-Home Truth: Worshipping God, Obeying Jesus, and Witnessing to the world should be the preoccupation of the Christ follower. Christ-Connection: Because Jesus completed the work God gave Him to do (John 17:4), He is worthy to be praised and followed. …
The Angels and Aziz Colossians 1:15-2:2 Take-Home Truth: The gospel is for all people, and no one is out of reach. Christ-Connection: God’s mystery of redemption whispered through the ages was fully revealed in Jesus Christ. Hook: (Ice-breaker question. Get the group talking!) When was the las …
An Old Dragon and a New King Matthew 2:1-23; Rev. 12:4; Micah 5:6; Daniel 5:11 Take-Home Truth: Kings die, Jesus lives, the dragon is thrown into the lake of fire, and Jesus sits on the throne! Christ-Connection: Christ is the ultimate provision in the chaos of this world. Hook: (Ice-breaker que …
Born of Virgin Matthew 1:18-23 Take-Home Truth: The virgin birth of Jesus uniquely qualifies him to solve the problem of sin. Christ-Connection: Jesus is the only solution to the world’s sin problem. Reflect: (Go deeper in the Word and in our world) Why is Jesus’ birth in the flesh ess …
God’s Kingdom is More Than Legos Matthew 1:1-17 Take-Home Truth: The genealogy of Jesus Christ shows the unstoppable power and unrelenting kindness of God in human history. Christ-Connection: Jesus Christ is the long-awaited Messiah from the family line of Abraham and David. Reflect:(Go deeper i …
A Theology of Rest How the soul finds rest in Christ Matthew 11:28-30 Take-Home Truth: With the advent of Christ came the advent of rest. Christ-Connection: Behind your need for rest lies your need for Christ. Reflect:(Go deeper in the Word and in our world) As a group, read Matt …
Hope Unveiled Revelation 1:9-21 Take-Home Truth: Jesus is the King of the universe who works in the chaos as he walks with his church. Christ-Connection: Jesus is God, Jesus is life and Jesus rules death. Reflect:(Go deeper in the Word and in our world) 1. As a group, read Revelation 1:9-21. …
The Love of a Suffering & Reigning King Revelation 1:4-6 Take-Home Truth: Our ultimate hope in a dark world is Jesus Christ, the Faithful One. Christ-Connection: Jesus is a leader who never failed, a martyr who conquered death, and a king who truly reigns. Reflect:(Go deeper in the Word and in o …
Pray Like Moses Exodus 33:12-14 Take-Home Truth: Prayer reveals and changes the heart of a believer. Reflect: (Go deeper in the Word and in our world) Last week you resolved to respond in a specific way? How did that go? Read Exodus 33:12-14 together as a group. What is one key take away from …
The Boldest Prayer Ever Made Exodus 14:21-29; 19:4-6, 16-18; 24; 32:1 Take-Home Truth: Behold the glory of God! Reflect: (Go deeper in the Word and in our world) Last week you resolved to respond in a specific way? How did that go? What parallels did you notice between the story of Israel, the Ameri …
Great Storms, Great Promises Acts 27 Take-Home Truth: In life’s storms God strips away all hopes so that I hope only in his promise. Reflect: (Go deeper in the Word and in our world) Last week you resolved to respond in a specific way? How did that go? Where do our friends at work and school tend …
The Spirit Changes Everything Ephesians 5:15-20 Take-Home Truth: The power of the Holy Spirit is unleashed in our lives when we speak about Christ, sing unto Christ, and celebrate the person of Christ with other believers. Christ-Connection: Christ, in his kindness, has sought you out and given you …
THE NEED FOR A SPIRIT-FILLED LIFE Ephesians 5:15-18 Take-Home Truth: Living a Spirit-filled life is essential for faithfulness and service to Jesus Christ. Reflect: (Go deeper in the Word and in our world) Last week you resolved to respond in a specific way? How did that go? Do you believe that the …
Shine Ephesians 5:11-14 Take-Home Truth: Christ-followers expose darkness in our own lives and in our community by speaking the gospel and inviting repentance. Christ-Connection: The light of Christ exposes darkness in the world and in the church. Reflect: (Go deeper in the Word and in our world) We …