Hope Point Church
Pray Like Epaphras
March 9, 2025
Pray Like Epaphras
March 9, 2025Pray Like Epaphras
By Richard Smith
*NOTICE: The emphasis of our discussion is to see how the Written Word (Bible) and the Spoken Word (Preaching) work together to build up the believer, so when you see WORD in the questions, know it refers to the Scripture and the Sermon.
Recap: Look back for evidence of God’s word reshaping your heart and life.
- Does anyone have a testimony to share of how God worked in your prayers for your ONE?
Engage: Look into the Word of God in light of Sunday’s preached sermon.
- Read Colossians 4:12 as a group and discuss your initial observations of the text and sermon.
Reflect: Look deeper at the preached and written Word.
- How does the concept of being a ‘slave of Christ’ differ from negative connotations of slavery, and what implications does this have for our understanding of Christian discipleship?
- What does it mean to ‘stand firm in all the will of God,’ and why is this such a crucial aspect of Christian maturity? How can we discern and align ourselves with God’s will in our daily lives?
- In what ways does Epaphras’ example of ‘wrestling in prayer’ challenge our own prayer lives? How might we cultivate a similar intensity and dedication in our intercession for others?
- How does the image of lowering a paralyzed man through the roof to Jesus illustrate the power and importance of intercessory prayer? In what ways can we ‘carry’ others to Christ through our prayers?
Respond: Look ahead and around to see how you can be obedient and missional.
- What are some practical ways we can combat Satan’s attempts to derail us from God’s will, as mentioned in the sermon? How can prayer play a role in this spiritual warfare?
- Who is someone in your life that needs intercessory prayer for endurance and encouragement in the midst of a battle they are facing? Will you commit to praying for them daily this week?