Hope Point Church
The Returning King
December 3, 2023

The Returning King

December 3, 2023

“The Returning King”

Revelation 19

Take-Home Truth: You cannot know Jesus unless you know Him as a sacrificial lamb and a warring king.

Christ-Connection: Christ is gloriously good. But, if the world rejects Him, they are spitting in the face of the world’s most powerful judge and will be condemned to permanent destruction.

Recap: (Talk about last week)

  1. The title of last week’s message was “Four Hallelujahs.” How have those four things we should be thankful for caused you to wait and even suffer with hope?

Engage: (Observe the passage and engage with the text

  1. Read Revelation 19:11; John 14:2, 3, and 6 and discuss why Jesus is called “Faithful” and “True”?

  2. Read Revelation 19:15, 16; Psalm 2:10-12 and discuss how Christ the returning King will defeat Satan and his limited power.

Reflect: (Reflect upon the key take-aways from the sermon)

  1. How does this passage reassure us that we will be protected during the final battle?

  2. Compare how Jesus came initially on a donkey before being crucified but returns a second time on a white horse to judge the world.

Respond: (Apply the truths of God’s Word to your heart, affections, and actions)

  1. Richard used the example of the Blackstone grill. He explained the dangers of flames being unseen. Are there examples in your life where you have moved too close to a surface that is hot or are you there now? What do you need to do to make sure you are not “deluded” by the false prophet?


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