Hope Point Church
The Need for a Spirit-Filled Live
October 10, 2021

The Need for a Spirit-Filled Live

October 10, 2021 / Richard Smith


Ephesians 5:15-18

Take-Home Truth: Living a Spirit-filled life is essential for faithfulness and service to Jesus Christ.

Reflect: (Go deeper in the Word and in our world)

  1. Last week you resolved to respond in a specific way? How did that go?
  2. Do you believe that the days are evil? How does that affect you emotionally?
  3. Before hearing this sermon, what did you think are the most important actions you can take in response to this evil age?

Respond: (Live out God’s truth from the inside out)

  1. What temptations from this evil world do you experience regularly that you need to be more careful with?
  2. What opportunities in front of you require increased wisdom that you need from the Holy Spirit?
  3. What are you doing to be filled by the Holy Spirit?

Resolve: What is the one thing you are committing to do this week?

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