Hope Point Church
Learning How to Plod
October 16, 2022
Learning How to Plod
October 16, 2022
Learning How to Plod
Rev. 13:1-10
Take-Home Truth: The ultimate call on our life is to learn to “plod and to persevere” through the challenges of this world.
Christ-Connection: Revelation 13:8 promises that if the Lamb has written our names in the Book of Life, we will make it through the suffering and trials into heaven.
Hook: (Ice-breaker question. Get the group talking!)
- Give an example of a time you felt “stuck” in life–when you felt like you were plodding and struggling to move forward.
Engage: (Observe the passage and engage with the text)
- Revelation 13:1-7 describes the Beast and what the Antichrist represents. Where do we see evidence of the Antichrist (“A system which combines political and cultural forces working together to oppress the followers of Christ.”) more than ever in our world?
- Read Revelation 13:8. How does this give you hope? Does it give you confidence in the Lord? Give examples of how Christ gives you hope through the perversion of the world.
Reflect: (Reflect upon the key take-aways from the sermon)
- Revelation 13:7 says we are in a war. How does that cause us to be sober-minded? (See 1 Peter 5:8.)
- Revelation 13:10 was the key part of the sermon today. We are called to “patient endurance and faithfulness”. How can we better live this out in an increasingly hostile world? How can we successfully “plod”?
Respond: (Apply the truths of God’s Word to your heart, affections, and actions)
- How does the promise of Revelation 13:8 allow us to accept the challenge of Revelation 13:10?
- “Bruised and battered but safe forever.” What does this mean to you?