The One Who Opens Doors
February 27, 2022
“The One Who Opens Doors”
Revelation 3:7-13
Take-Home Truth: You are mine, and I’m coming back for you!
Christ-Connection: Jesus will keep us from denying His name when we suffer.
Hook: (Ice-breaker question. Get the group talking!)
1. Share a time when you had a door open that you saw as an “opportunity.”
Engage: (Observe the passage and engage with the text)
2. As a group, read Revelation 3:7-13 together aloud. Make observations. Discuss and unpack these verses together.
3. Read together the following passages that speak to Christ protecting us from denying His name as we suffer and discuss:
- Acts 14:22
- 2 Corinthians 4:16-5:10
- Colossians 1:24
- 2 Timothy 3:12-13
- Romans 8:35-39
- Philippians 3:10
- 1 Thessalonians 3:3-5
- Revelation 2:10,13
- Romans 8:18-24,28-32
- 2 Corinthians 4:7-12
Reflect: (Reflect upon the key take-aways from the sermon)
5. God opens doors we don’t have the strength to open on our own. Richard said, “Prayer is my declaration that I cannot open this door.” Read Matthew 7:7, 8 out loud and answer: “How should this impact my prayer life?”
6. Open doors do not mean everything will be rainbows and unicorns, but God promises to protect us when He opens the door and we walk through. How has Jesus held you through trials? In what ways does this encourage you to hold on?
Respond: (Apply the truths of God’s Word to your heart, affections, and actions)
7. What is one verse you are going to meditate on, lean on, and live out this week that will encourage you to hold on.