Hope Point Church
To Love Like we Did at First
January 23, 2022
To Love Like we Did at First
January 23, 2022
To Love Like We Did at First
Revelation 2:1-7
Take-Home Truth: The journey is hard but the reward is everlasting joy.
Christ-Connection: Christ’s love is too great to leave us where we are.
Hook: (Ice-breaker question. Get the group talking!)
- What was your first love? Describe the emotion, the passion you felt for that first love.
Engage: (Observe the passage and engage with the text)
- As a group, read Revelation 2:1-7 together aloud. Make observations. Discuss and unpack these verses together.
- Consider the Ephesian culture and compare it to our culture today. Review the commendations to the Ephesians. How are they applicable today to the church? To you?
- Consider the confrontations/ warnings listed. How are they applicable to the church today? To you?
Reflect: (Reflect upon the key take-aways from the sermon)
- What is the church/you doing out of habit rather than delight?
- In what way has our “view of truth become a trophy we protect instead of medicine to be dispensed”?
Respond: (Apply the truths of God’s Word to your heart, affections, and actions)
- Considering that actions speak louder than words….Have you lost the “Wow” in your love for Christ? Have you lost your love for people?
- How can you regain the “Wow”? What steps of repentance (Change of mind, change of will, change of direction) lead you to Jesus, ‘your first love’- the ‘WOW’?