Hope Point Church
The Church’s Enduring Peace
October 13, 2024

The Church’s Enduring Peace

October 13, 2024   /   Hope Point Church

The Church’s Enduring Peace

By Richard Smith


NOTICE: The emphasis of our discussion is to see how the Written Word (Bible) and the Spoken Word (Preaching) work together to build up the believer, so when you see WORD in the questions, know it refers to the Scripture and the Sermon.


Recap: Look back for evidence of God’s word reshaping your heart and life.

  1. Does anyone have a testimony of how last week’s WORD (identifying with those who suffer) was put into practice?

EngageLook into the Word of God in light of Sunday’s preached sermon.

  1. Review Colossians 3:15-17 and discuss the highlights: The peace of Christ ruling in our hearts (3:15), the church is where the peace of Christ flourishes (3:15), the word of Christ dwelling in us (3:16), the call to teach and admonish each other (3:16), and the manner in which we “do everything” (3:17).


  1. Read Ephesians 2:13-17 and discuss where the church’s enduring peace comes from.


Reflect: Look deeper at the preached and written Word.


  1. Read 2 Timothy 1:6-7 and discuss how Paul admonished the church. How have you personally experienced teaching and admonishing in the church for your own growth (Colossians 3:16)?

  2. Richard quoted John Piper: “Speaking without wisdom occurs when we speak the truth at the wrong time, the wrong tone, or the wrong content.” Reflect on occasions where you have been on the giving or receiving end of this observation.

Respond: Look ahead and around to see how you can be obedient and missional.

  1. How does your view of singing need to change for it to, as Richard said, “carry us like a chariot into the fullness of God”?


  1. Close as a group by reading Hebrews 10:23-25 and share how you will be faithful to “stir up one another” this week.




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